Kling-On Clear Non-Permanent Removable Top Protector Ultra UT-3P-C
Non-Permanent, removable, reinforced guitar top protector.
Flamenco Tap-Plate (Golpeadore) protection that has no adhesives. Made from a thick plastic material that will protect the top of your guitar from tapping and rasgueado marks. Adheres by static only. Most French-Polish finished guitars work very well with Kling-On products. Protection for this type of finish was one of the main reasons Kling-On guitar top-protectors were initially developed.
NOTE: With so many guitar makers and manufacturers it is virtually impossible to guarantee how a particular Guitar Protection product will work with the multitude of guitar finishes now being used. Following some of these simple rules will help you pick the best Guitar Protection product for you and insure that your guitar remains free from damage.
- We recommend temporary application during playing time ONLY, for all instruments, with especially diligent adherence to this rule for new instruments.