The MV50 Boutique delivers the sound of legendary boutique amplifiers that are especially professional guitarists. Sonically, he covers everything that lies between “warm and clean” and “assertive distortion”. The latter is intended primarily for solos and is characterized by an astonishingly differentiated approach. Of all the MV50 amplifiers, the MV50 boutique most skilfully creates the sound compression typical of tube amplifiers.
Thanks to the Nutube tube, the amplifiers of the MV50 series are almost frighteningly lightweight. So far the amps have been available in three flavors: “AC”, “Clean” and “Rock”. Each model shines with an assertive sound that would never be trusted by these tiny creatures – in guitarist circles the response was overwhelming. Two more models are joining this trio: High Gain and Boutique. Here comes the fat tube sound, which is produced with the Nutube approach in perfection, also perfect to wear. At the same time, the analog circuits have been designed to allow a complex interaction between the individual amplifier components: the MV50 series amplifiers have a fast response and amazing dynamics.