We do not service or repair amps or effect pedals at Gladesville.
We personally use and recommend the following expert repairers:
We personally use and recommend the following expert repairers:
Southside Electronics (Kingsgrove) 1300 652 513 Website
Standard Ampworks (Eastwood) 0438 459 867 Website
Earthling Designs Amps and Pedals (Marrickville) 0438 536 407 Website
The Guitar Amp Tech (Kograh) 0412 420 733 Website
Earth Audio Fender Warranty (Marrickville) 0449 159 625
Terry Turk Wizard of Amps (Frenchs Forest) 0413 106 799
At Gladesville we do guitar restrings, setups, acoustic & electric pickup installation and more. We fix guitars, mandolins, banjos, folk instruments and all the kinds of instruments that we sell in our shop.
Click the button below to see our repair page.
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